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What you should know before interacting with Thargoid scouts

21 Nov, 2020 6:50 UTC

Image provided by CMDR CalaisX

When it comes to fighting Thargoid scouts, the best Guardian weapon to use is the Guardian Gauss Cannon. It has high damage potential and excellent armor penetration capabilities, making it highly effective against Thargoid scouts. It's important to note that the Gauss Cannon requires ammunition, so you'll need to bring enough ammo synthesizer materials to resupply during combat.

The Guardian Gauss Cannon: A devastating electromagnetic weapon that unleashes high-powered magnetic projectiles with pinpoint accuracy.

To obtain Anti-Xeno (AX) weapons in Elite Dangerous, you'll need to engage with the Guardian civilization and acquire Guardian Technology Components. These components can be found at Guardian Ruins on certain planetary surfaces. You'll need to use a specialized ship, such as the Asp Explorer or the Krait Phantom, equipped with a Guardian FSD Booster and an SRV (Surface Reconnaissance Vehicle) to locate and interact with the Guardian Ruins.

To collect Guardian Technology Components, you'll need to find and shoot Guardian Sentinels that appear near the ruins. Destroying these Sentinels will cause them to drop materials, including Guardian Technology Components. Make sure to bring an SRV with you to collect these materials. Once you have gathered enough Guardian Technology Components, you can use them to unlock and purchase Anti-Xeno weapons.

Preparing a ship for Anti-Xeno conflicts

Here are some general steps to follow:

  1. Ship Selection: Depending on the size range, there are different ships recommended for Anti-Xeno combat. Some popular choices include:
    • Medium Ships: Alliance Chieftain, Krait Mk II
    • Large Ships: Federal Corvette, Type-10 Defender
  2. Core Internal Modules:
    • Shield Generator: Equip the strongest shield generator you can afford to maximize your ship's survivability.
    • Thrusters: Opt for high-performance thrusters to enhance maneuverability and evasion.
    • Power Plant: Use a high-grade power plant to accommodate the energy requirements of your ship and its AX weapons.
  3. Optional Internal Modules:
    • Hull Reinforcement Packages: Install these modules to reinforce your ship's hull and increase overall durability.
    • Module Reinforcement Packages: Use these to protect critical modules from Thargoid damage.
    • Guardian FSD Booster: Boost your ship's jump range by installing this module, which can be obtained from Guardian Ruins.
  4. Hardpoints:
    • Install Anti-Xeno weapons, such as Guardian Gauss Cannons or Guardian Shard Cannons, to deal maximum damage to Thargoid scouts.
    • Consider having a mix of AX and regular weapons to handle other non-Thargoid threats you may encounter.
  5. Utility Mounts: Shield Boosters:
    • Add shield boosters to enhance your ship's shield strength.
    • Heat Sinks: Equip heat sinks to manage your ship's heat levels during combat, especially when using certain AX weapons.
  6. Optional Equipment:
    • AX Scanners: Use AX scanners to identify the Thargoid's current health and resistances.
    • Decontamination Limpets: Carry these to remove corrosive damage inflicted by Thargoid attacks.

Remember, successfully engaging in Anti-Xeno conflicts requires practice, skill, and knowledge of Thargoid mechanics. It's highly recommended to study and familiarize yourself with Thargoid combat tactics and strategies before engaging them in battle.

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