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All the history & lore from Caldari Prime

20 Feb, 2022 8:10 UTC

Caldari Prime is a planet located in the Luminaire system within the Gallente Federation's territory. It holds significant historical and cultural importance for both the Gallente and Caldari factions. Here is an overview of the history and lore associated with Caldari Prime:

The history and lore of Caldari Prime in EVE Online are extensive, encompassing additional details, events, and characters. This summary provides a general overview of the key points associated with Caldari Prime's significance in the game's narrative.

Settlement and Early History

Caldari Prime was originally colonized by Gallente settlers in the early days of space exploration. The settlers established prosperous cities and enjoyed a thriving economy. However, tensions between the Gallente and Caldari began to escalate due to differing political ideologies and economic systems.

The Caldari State

As the Caldari grew discontented with Gallente influence and their capitalist system, they sought independence. The Caldari State was formed as a separate nation with a strong focus on corporate governance and a rigid social structure. Caldari Prime became the capital planet of the Caldari State, housing the headquarters of the megacorporations that dominated Caldari society.

The Caldari-Gallente War

The Caldari-Gallente War, one of the longest and bloodiest conflicts in EVE Online, erupted due to ideological and territorial disputes. Caldari Prime became a major battleground, with both factions fighting fiercely for control. The war resulted in devastating consequences, including the destruction of many cities and the loss of countless lives.

The Battle of Caldari Prime

In a pivotal event during the Caldari-Gallente War, the Gallente Federation launched a massive invasion of Caldari Prime. This invasion aimed to deal a significant blow to the Caldari State and secure a decisive victory. The battle was fierce, with intense ground and space combat taking place across the planet.

The Destruction of Caldari Prime

Despite initial successes, the Gallente Federation's invasion ultimately failed. In a desperate move, the Caldari State's titan-class warship, the Shiigeru, self-destructed over the Caldari Prime's capital city, Caldari Prime City. The resulting cataclysm annihilated the city and caused widespread devastation, leaving Caldari Prime in ruins.

Aftermath and Rebuilding

The destruction of Caldari Prime City led to a ceasefire between the Caldari and Gallente factions, as both sides recognized the immense cost of the conflict. Caldari Prime's ruins became a poignant symbol of the price paid during the war. Efforts to rebuild the planet and heal the scars of war began, but the memory of the Battle of Caldari Prime remained deeply ingrained in the history and the collective consciousness of both factions.

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